It is well with my soul

It is well with my soul

It is well with my soul. Those words have been an anthem in my life and have brought such breakthrough when I felt like all walls were closing in. That old hymn still rings true in my spirit and actually rose up from inside of me when I was going through a rough patch last year.


I had came across a sign from a shop online that mimicked the hymn page of that beloved song for quite a while. The only thing holding me back was the price. It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford it but I held out because I just didn’t want to spend that much. Store after store I would see a sign that said “it is well” but none compared to the one I had picked out in my head and pictured on my wall. Fast forward, as months went by and still this particular wall in my favorite room of the house was left blank. This past May, I was on a girl’s trip to Waco and you know you can’t do Waco without a visit to Magnolia and The Silo’s. My name isn’t similar to Joanna Gaines for nothing! This girl loves to decorate!!!


While we were shopping in The Silo’s, I came across a sign that said, “it is well with my soul” and while I loved it, it just didn’t live up to the replica of a hymn sheet that I wanted. I started telling all my girlfriends the backstory and decided to take a picture with the sign in the store.

The very next day, we went to an antique store in downtown Waco. We were shopping around and lo and behold, there was the exact thing that I had been holding out for and it only cost $35!!! I snatched it up as quick as I could and squealed! I could not believe it.

This had made my whole entire trip. You see, God knew how much that sign meant to me. Sure, it was just a sign to some people but to me it was so much more. That sign with those words brought truth and hope every time I saw them. I couldn't help but sing them and my mind couldn't help but wander back to where God used those lyrics to deliver me. It was such a sweet reminder of how much God truly does care about His children and delighting in bringing them joy.

When I give my seven-year-old gifts, I delight in seeing how happy it makes him and the light that sparkles in His eyes. Father God loves to give His children good gifts. Never minimize the things you care about because you think God doesn’t. The fact is, if it matters to you then it matters to Him.

So if you, who are sinful, know how to give your children good gifts, how much more so does your Father in heaven, who is perfect, know how to give great gifts to His children! Matthew 7:11



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